Music Friend-spina’ Lisabona

The damnation is in the hand of the painter then (and the dogmatic norms of representation). No surprise. But then that’s where my aesthetic preference lies. In the smears of paint and overlapping of forms, intrusions. The transgressive forms in Gerhard Richter. But isn’t that more human?

Bournemouth weekender

Who’s this guy? where does he get his hope from? Seems more at the end of it than me! I pass by the stash of discarded things the next morning. He’s right. There is still some, left there on the bottom of that pandora box – a trace of humanity.

Let’s speak London please!

De cand presupunem ca spiritele/sufletele sunt mai putin oarbe ca oamenii? Tot oameni si ele! Vantura Dumnezeu stie ce lumini si umbre, ne mai ingemanam din cand in cand unii cu altii nedumeriti printre perdele. Ai reusit sa iesi din pestera lui Platon?, si dincolo tot oglinzi?